Building Your Personalized Skills Inventory

Key Takeaways:

Every experienced marketer or communicator comes to the table with a portfolio of skills. You may not feel that way about it, but it’s true!

We’re going to walk through a number of ways to look at your skills, and you might be surprised with what you have to offer:

  • Look at them through the UFM lens (this is how your new customers will buy your services)
  • Technology perspective
  • Industry perspective
  • Courses or certifications
  • Projects you have completed

Don’t worry about (what you perceive to be) skills “gaps” - we will teach you how to fill those later. We will use these skills to help identify some of your first potential clients.

It's Your Turn:

The PDF file is a preview of your worksheet. You can use it to take your own notes, or you can download the MS Word-formatted version - whatever works best for you!

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